

As air pollution becomes more and more severe, governments in many countries have set goals to implement or convert transportation from fossil fuels to electricity.

The railway industry is also evolving into new technologies using electricity and complex & fast machines to ensure a sustainable environment for the present and the future.

J&D Current Transducerswill play an even more important role in the electric train and electric motor markets.


– Main converter for urban transportation systems(metros - trams - trolleybuses)

– Inverters, converters, rectifiers

– Auxiliary power units

– Circuit breaker, for transformers, DC link

– Energy metering

– Rolling stock heavy traction, diesel electric

– Mining trucks

1. Obtained Efficiency and Reliability by monitoring the current status

Traction is driven by inverters and electric motors. It provides control and protection signals to power converters and inverters that regulate energy to all electric motors and auxiliary equipment. In this case, the current transformer is considered an important role in ensuring that the inverter and electric motor operate continuously and reliably. This is because current pass through both transformers, circuit breakers, and train lines used for traction. Therefore, how you control the input current affects the reliability of the equipment.

J&D Current Transducersprovides various range of inner diameter and high-insulated voltage sensor for maximize the efficiency of equipment by controlling the current passing through and delivering high-accuracy signals.

2. The need of Voltage Transducers

In the railway industry, voltage is related to cost and efficiency. Accurate and reliable measurements are required to maximize the energy efficiency provided by the voltage network.

Therefore,J&D proposes Voltage transducersthat measure a wide range of voltages.


What makes the Trackside run smoothly?

In order to facilitate railway traffic networks such as trains, railroad, track switches, control cabinets (supply power, etc…) and control rooms, the ability to continuously monitor and maintain track conditions is required.

In addition the railway industry is utilizing IoT technology to increase the efficiency of train operations by not only providing services to reduce congestion, but also enabling timely facility investment and maintenance.

In the advanced and complex IoT industry, it is also important to understand and control the electrical signals flow in to each device.

The Need for CT on Trackside & The Role of J&D CT

J&D Current Transducers detects the current flow and changes or abnormal current to determine the correct signal of the current so that the railway network equipment can operate smoothly and without problems. This enables continuous and reliable information transmission and sharing with each other within the railway network. Therefore, CT will play an important role in transmitting information in railroad networks by accurately grasping electrical signals.

This serves as a preventive diagnosis so that it can occur in railway operations such as incorrect information transmission to the control room or late changeover.


– Track objects monitoring

– Points machines

– Tracks circuits

– Crossing gates

– Substations (circuit breaker for transformers…)

– Control and Safety Systems